Thursday, April 28, 2011

Trying to manage my life and a blog

So, if you all have noticed, I haven't been blogging very frequently. But managing my life and doing everything I need to along with the other little things I get joy out of, like reading Harry Potter with Drake (we are on the last chapter!) makes it difficult, for me at least, to manage a blog. I love it so much when I have the time though. I tell my mom many times a day, that I would rather be blogging and posting pictures and sharing things that I find with others so that hopefully they can feel the joy that I felt when I first discovered them. There's also the trouble of sometimes I have no idea on earth what to blog about or share but as I talked with my neighbor Carole on Easter she reminded me that in art, there are days when thousands of ideas are running through your mind and then there are days were you go completely blank. You can't force anything out of yourself because it won't end up being something you love. Art can't be a duty, it has to be a joy. Same with blogging. Sometimes I never have enough time to post all the things I want to and sometimes I stare blankly at the computer and eventually give up. By now you're probably not reading this because I'm rambling and typing my thoughts down quickly, only making sense in my own head. But there are my thoughts, out here on this page. I hope to be more consistent from now on but I always hope that.
Oh, tomorrow is the Royal Wedding! And I will be posting something in honer of the special day so check back. Also, I had the most wonderful dessert on Easter and I'll be posting about that soon also.



  1. you have a new name for us...miss sparkle.

  2. I get it, there's no reason to rush the things you love and enjoy. Right??
