Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Little Things

So much has been going on but I thought I'd post just a little bit and hopefully be able to do more later. :)

I found two extremely cute vintage flower glasses at the street fair that I'm hoping to put up a picture of them soon. I getting so much joy out of just drinking water out of them. Isn't it funny how the little things can bring the most joy?

Speaking of little things, look at this wonderful little find I made on esty! (Source) You should check out all the other little houses she has on her etsy. So adorable!

And now just a few inspiring pictures before I go(:

Happy thursday! Friday is just around the corner!
xoxo, Madeline


  1. Love the little things Madeline! Thanks for the reminder that we should appreciate them. I needed that today! <3

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed them! I think it's a good reminder everyday. :) <3
