Saturday, August 25, 2012

Drifting like... A piece of driftwood?

Edger Allen Poe 

This week has been one of those long, interesting weeks full of many activities but not enough production. At least it sort of feels that way. Emotional instability isn't helpful when it comes to getting things done and I find myself drifting around the house in a contemplative manner during the day and complete night owl behavior at night.

:)I have accomplished lots of reading, researching and self-awareness over the past week. But in terms of life and plans and getting that driver's license... I'm a little lost. As far as Romney's and Obama's apposing gun views go, I could tell you the facts. But I should probably also register to vote. Why is it hard grasp onto the fine details, the things that hide in the corners of your mind that keep you awake at night. All the "should's" and the countless "I have to do that" spring out of nowhere. Then, upon wakening... Nothing. They've left only to haunt you the following night.
I do believe that the things I have done this week have worth. More worth then so many daily tasks. I just wish I could organize my mind enough to fathom both. I like to think, I adore it. But there's that connection to reality that I fall away from at times... I'm better at dreaming.

xoxo, madeline Claire

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