Monday, February 28, 2011

The Giver

Synopsis from Goodreads:
When Jonas turns 12, he is singled out to receive special training from The Giver. Now, it’s time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.
This book was amazing. Many times I had to stop and set it down as I read because there was so much to take in. So much of it was sad and scary while so much was hopeful. There were times when you couldn't believe how messed up everything was and times when you knew there was light coming from somewhere. That at some point it was going to change and hope was almost uncovered, making the story beautiful. At least to me. I'm a big fan of dystopian stories. I have no idea why I'm just totally infatuated by them! I get caught up in thinking about "What if our world was like that?" you know? The idea of such a controlled society, it's so strange and scary but at the same time, exciting because you get that someone-is-going-to-break-free-from-this feeling as you read it. Anyway, I'm rambling now. ;)

The characters were all very enjoyable. I feel in love with Jonas and his sweet spirit. The conversations he would have with The Giver were so honest and real. Heart-breaking at times I admit but beautiful just the same. Sometimes as I read I was slightly surprised at the content, although not bad, it just seemed like it was older content mixed in a child's book. Which, leads me to another thought. I felt like this book was some sort of warning to the children who read it. The dedication by Lois Lowry read "This book is for all the children to whom we entrust the future" I think what she meant is that we should never let the world become like the way it did in The Giver, we are the future, these generations. It's so wild to think about, but so true. Anyway, I'm not making any sense but this is my first book review! :P I hope you enjoy reading it. haha ;)
Read the book and decide for yourself! :)


  1. Great review Madeline! I loved reading this book a few years back and wished I had read it in school. Since you like dystopian stories, why don't you do a post telling us about some of your favorites? I'd love to hear them.

  2. I really want to read this book :) I, too, LOVE dystopias, which is odd considering that they aren't the happiest of books out there. But the enchanting thing about dystopias for me is that moment when you sit back and think "This could really happen to our world" and it's horrifying in all sorts of ways, like you said. I'll definitely have to check this book out soon :)
